Weeknotes #4
Posted on in WeeknotesWell then! The end of my first week at Clearleft! It’s been an amazing introductory time getting to know the team, the processes and the codebases.
Most of Monday was spent in a ‘rough guide to UX’ workshop. It just happened to be running on my first day, but it was brilliant timing. I learned a huge amount about the UX arm of the company, and got to know some of the team really well. I blogged about the event here.
Tuesday was a little more sedate, with the morning mostly spent installing things and generally getting up to speed. Cassie and I paired on some Vue.js each afternoon this week, it’s so nice to be back with Vue after six months of React!
My mornings have been a mix of future project investigation/setup, blogging, stand-ups and 1:1s. I’m looking forwards to kicking off some project work next week.
I’m yet to find a decent pasta joint in Brighton, which is a little disappointing and surprising, there’s definitely a gap in the market should I wish to sack this whole dev thing in and start making pasta professionally!
Thursday evening was probably the highlight of the week. Homebrew website club happens weekly at the Clearleft office; it’s a space carved out to work on your website, add new features, or write blogs. This week was just Jeremy, Cassie and I, but we had a wonderful time! We discussed Service Workers, static site generators and some fascinating history of the http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
meta tag! It was such a fun time to geek out about the web - I can’t wait for next week!
I made some updates to my home page to allow for different gradients. Visually it’s identical for now, but the option is now there for some more creative fun in the future.
Following the static site chats, I spent Thursday night and Friday’s train journey building out a static site generator. It’s still very rough around the edges, but I’m hoping to be able to share more soon!
We had a bit of a team social on Friday evening to celebrate Jason and my first week. Mexican food, Malbec and good chats were had! It was also my birthday 🥳 so I treated myself to a Ben’s cookie at lunch!
I’ve started Bullet journalling a bit, mostly to start getting a longer term career plan in order. I’m reading the accompanying book too, which is a great read. I’ve also been using Noisli again when blogging. The Clearleft office is pretty busy at times, so it helps to have some chirping crickets and whistling wind in the background!
Songs from the week
Photos from the week
Posted on in Weeknotes