Hey! I’m Trys. I’m a design engineer / software engineer living in the UK. I’ve been working on the web for well over a decade now, and I’ve been lucky enough to work with some rather lovely people and exciting companies along the way. Here’s a little career nostalgia:
Motorway Senior Software Engineer
Sproutl Senior Software Engineer
Clearleft Lead Design Engineer
Daisie Web Engineer
Tomango Web Developer
Thanks to many years in the agency-world, I’ve found I thrive in the (sometimes) chaotic space of early stage projects, where I can help shape the product, the technical direction, and the team. I love working with systematic designers and ambitious product owners to create responsive, responsible, and delightful web experiences.
In 2020, I co-created Utopia, an approach to fluid responsive design, aiming to provide a common language between design and engineering to improve efficiency and consistency. Utopia now boasts Figma plugins, code generators, NPM modules, and many blog posts outlining this approach to responsive web design. I’ve been waxing lyrical about it at meetups, on podcasts, and online ever since. If you’re interested in this kind of thing for your conference, I’d love to chat on Bluesky or Mastodon.
Other fun side projects include: Journalbook (a totally private, totally offline personal journal), Sergey (a very little static site generator), and a guitar pedalboard in the browser.
I play guitar when I can, sometimes take photos of cars and conferences, and write about design engineering on the web. I have a brilliant wife and an incredible son who both rock my world.